Citazione:bellubentu ha scritto:
Non c'é alcuna possibilità di maggiore precisione; la tecnologia americana nel campo é netttamente superiore e detta gli standard. Il resto sono pie illusioni
Non e' proprio cosi'. Esiste un problema di debolezza del segnale GPS (tanto e'vero che sono nati EGNOS e WAAF per aumentare la potenza del segnale). Esistono poi deglia spetti di tutela industriale dell'Europa che hanno spinto al'lancio del programma, ovvero se non siamo compettiivi in campo satellitare dipenderemos empre da qualcun altro e le nostre industrie non saranno in grado di competere tecnolgicamente con quelle degli altri continenti.
Dalla Comunicazione della Commissione:
It should be borne in mind that the Galileo and EGNOS programmes are flagship projects of
the Union. Promotion of this technology, which is a powerful driver for emerging from the
crisis, fits in perfectly with the Europe 2020 strategy and policies for sustainable
development. The new generations of high-performance satellite navigation services provide
considerable opportunities for all fields of activity with many new jobs bound up with the
expansion of markets, which have grown at an annual rate of 30% over the past few years. In
this context, the Commission is working to develop an ecosystem of applications to optimise
the use of services provided by the systems and maximise the socio-economic benefits.
Accordingly, it is implementing the 24 measures referred to in its Action Plan on GNSS
applications of 14 June 20105. This plan provides in particular for financing of research and
development projects, improvement in access to financing for small and medium-sized
enterprises and various measures to promote the Galileo and EGNOS programmes in priority
sectors for growth, innovation and employment.
It should also be emphasised that the European satellite navigation programmes does not only
concern the Member States with the greatest involvement in the space field: they concern all
the Member States of the Union directly. In fact, all citizens of the Union will benefit from a
range of services provided by the infrastructures in place. Moreover, small and medium
enterprises everywhere in Europe play an important role in the programmes since one of the
objectives of the Union is to promote the widest and most open participation possible for all
businesses in public procurement procedures.