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Regolamento ORC:
207 Headsails
207.1 Headsails, except an inner headsail set flying shall be tacked approximately on a boat's centerline.
207.2 Two headsails may be set on the same tack point, only if no spinnaker is in use (This amends RRS 50.1).
207.3 If the headsail is set flying, no tack pennant greater than 0.762 m may be used.
207.4 When a headsail is tacked inside spinnaker or inside another headsail, if it is trimmed flat along the
center line of the boat:
a) the clew shall not be aft of the clew of the foremost headsail trimmed on the same way
b) no more than 50 per cent of its area shall fall abaft the foreside of the mast.
207.5 No headsail shall be set flying and tacked in front of the forestay when any spinnaker is set.
207.6 Headsails may be sheeted:
a) to any part of the deck or rail
b) to a fixed point no higher than 0.05*MB above the deck or coach roof
c) to the main boom within the measurement limit according to IMS F5.3.
d) to the spinnaker pole in accordance with RRS 50.2 and 50.3©.
Headsails shall not be sheeted to any other spar or outrigger.
50.1 Changing Sails
When headsails or spinnakers are being changed, a replacing sail
may be fully set and trimmed before the replaced sail is lowered.
However, only one mainsail and, except when changing, only one
spinnaker shall be carried set at a time.
50.2 Spinnaker Poles; Whisker Poles
Only one spinnaker pole or whisker pole shall be used at a time
except when gybing. When in use, it shall be attached to the foremost
50.3 Use of Outriggers
(a) No sail shall be sheeted over or through an outrigger, except as
permitted in rule 50.3(b) or 50.3©. An outrigger is any fitting
or other device so placed that it could exert outward pressure
on a sheet or sail at a point from which, with the boat upright, a
vertical line would fall outside the hull or deck. For the purpose
of this rule, bulwarks, rails and rubbing strakes are not part of
the hull or deck and the following are not outriggers: a
bowsprit used to secure the tack of a sail, a bumkin used to
sheet the boom of a sail, or a boom of a boomed headsail that
requires no adjustment when tacking.
(b) Any sail may be sheeted to or led above a boom that is
regularly used for a sail and is permanently attached to the
mast from which the head of the sail is set.
© A headsail may be sheeted or attached at its clew to a spinnaker pole or whisker pole, provided that a spinnaker is not set.
Mi sembra che le regole che si possono verificare da foto siano state tutte rispettate.....e come si legge, non sembra discriminante che il secondo genoa sia 'set flying' o inferito.