18-06-2014, 14:25
c'e' scritto in qualche regolamento una definizione "velica" o va bene quella presente nei dizionari?
sui sacri testi ho trovato solo requisiti di peso per essere annoverato tra gli abbuoni di rating....
""Air conditioning (often referred to asaircon, AC or A/C) is the process of altering the properties of air (primarilytemperature and humidity) to more favourable conditions, typically with the aim of distributing the conditioned air to an occupied space to improve comfort. In the most general sense, air conditioning can refer to any form of technology, heating, cooling, de-humidification, humidification, cleaning, ventilation, or air movement, that modifies the condition of air""
sui sacri testi ho trovato solo requisiti di peso per essere annoverato tra gli abbuoni di rating....
""Air conditioning (often referred to asaircon, AC or A/C) is the process of altering the properties of air (primarilytemperature and humidity) to more favourable conditions, typically with the aim of distributing the conditioned air to an occupied space to improve comfort. In the most general sense, air conditioning can refer to any form of technology, heating, cooling, de-humidification, humidification, cleaning, ventilation, or air movement, that modifies the condition of air""