I Forum di Amici della Vela

Versione completa: Nuova release software per l'EV sensor Raymarine
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Queste le modifiche apportate:
Version Release Date Features
v1.08 June 2014
-The EV2 is now fully compatible with ZF Power Boat Drive by Wire steering systems.
-Further improves the Speed data selection algorithm to resolve issues where the incorrect speed is transmitted from some engines.
-Supports the selection of STW, SOG or Default from within Pilot Calibration.
Requires p70/p70R software higher than v2.1291

-Factory calibration of Magnetometer alignment improved to enhance heading accuracy.

ulteriori informazioni e link per scaricare il software qui:

Io aspetterei ad aggiornare, dice che il P70 deve essere di versione superiore alla 2.12, ma per il momento la versione corrente e' la 2.12!Smiley26

Stay tuned.
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