Ho trovato questo in rete, un APP sviluppato per Tablet Advent Vega: Android 2.2 ....devo verificare:
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PL2303 USB-GPS-stick - Software for VeagaICS is available
Hi all,
I've finished my App PL2303 Mock Location Provider!
If you are interested in using a USB-GPS-Stick on your Advent-Vega, POV mobii or Viewpad, then you should hav a look at Market
Now you can use an USB-GPS-stick on your devices usb-host-port.
The app was made for NAVILOCK NL 464 US - stick, but should work with every GPS-stick/-mouse, based on a
sserial To usb interface PL2303...
The costs for such a GPS stick/mouse varies from about $ 20,00 to $35,00.
For using my app no kernel-driver- support is needed. The driver stuff is buildin into the app and is loading on the fly.
Tested under VegaICS... with' GPS-Status and Tools', 'GMaps', 'Navigon' (100% working).
If the app runs in background - all GPS based apps get location data, as like a buildin GPS was activated!
The DEMO version is limited for 10 minutes of use - as often as you want.