Forse se chi regata ed organizza regate orc leggesse i regolamenti, tutto andrebbe meglio.....vorrei infatti attirare l'attenzione su alcuni particolari.
401.3 General Purpose Handicap (GPH) is an average representation of all time allowances used for
simple comparisons between boats and possible class divisions only. It is calculated as an average of the time allowances of 8 and 12 knots true wind speed for the Circular Random pre-selected course as
defined in 402.4(b).
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403.2 Time On Distance
Corrected time is calculated as follows:
Corrected time = Elapsed time – (ToD * Distance)
With Time-on-Distance (ToD) scoring, the coefficient of time allowance of one boat will not change with wind velocity, but will change with length of the course. One boat will always be giving to
another the same handicap in s/NM, and it is easy to calculate the difference in elapsed time between two boats needed to determine a winner in corrected time.
Per chi non avesse colto:
Il GPH dovrebbe servire
solo a suddividere le classi nell'elenco degli iscritti.
I coefficienti da usare per le regate in ToD, a seconda della tipologia della regata lunga/costiera oppure a bastone sono quelli che compaiono tra le scoring option.
Dunque la tabella non è significativa dei compensi, a meno che anche il cdr non sia 'ignorante' di orc