Autopilota Raymarine con Gyroplus
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Messaggio: #315
Autopilota Raymarine con Gyroplus
Oggi sono uscito per collaudare in modopiu' approfondito il RAY GYRO riparato.
La relazione che ho inviato agli spgnoli di Seymo la trovate di seguito.
Dico solo che ORA tutto sembra funzionare a dovere, alcune onde di poppa sono state prese impeccabilmente.
Resta uno scostamento di una decina di gradi tra bussola magnetica e indicazione dell=autopilota; presuppongo di essermi incasinato nel cercare la funzione 'autolearn' del mmio ST6002 che NON E' 'G'.

<< Sirs,
I want to update You over the sea-trial with my 40 feet sailboat, the ST6002 Autopilot d the Seymo RAY GYRO, which was installed back after your re-conditioning some three weeks ago.
This morning I sailed out of the harbor and, after powering up the navigation and instrumentation, I was pleased to notice that the autopilot electronic compass behaved properly and perfectly in accord with the magnetic one.
I went through all the commissioning and calibration processes and, once set to a course, no irregularity or vagary was perceived; 90 degrees or 180 degrees turns were done without problems.
I then essayed to go through the Autolearn procedure but it was not possible to complete it as, most likely , the instrumentation does not have the necessary software.
Getting back to my berth I noticed a 10 degrees deviation between autopilot affixed heading and the magnetic one: in my opinion this must be related to my repeated trials to enter the AUTOLEARN procedure.
IN CONCLUSION: I think NOW RAY GYRO does what it was expected to do, too bad I had to pay some 50% over the sale price to have it in this condition; also, 12 out of 12 units were found defective among the users of my favorite forum.
My best regards,>>
06-12-2013 22:05
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