Summary of the changes to the ORC Rules and Regulations as approved at the ORC Annual General Meeting held in Southampton, Bermuda on 30 October 2019
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VPP – Velocity Prediction Program
- Keel frictional resistance revision
- Added resistance and mast gyradius adjustment
- New default gear weight and sail weight calculations
- Headsail set Flying new treatment
IMS – International Measurement System
Modification of Rule B4.2(a) clarifies that fuel tanks shall be as empty as possible (recommended). If not possible, it needs not to be full as required in the previous rule version, but its capacity, distance from stem and condition at measurement shall be recorded.
Modification of Rule B7.3 defines a Carbon rudder using only the rudder stock.
Modification of Rule F3.4 clarifies that BAS shall be measured to the highest possible value (for example with plates at the mast step).
New measurement FSD is introduced in Rule F6.5. It is the maximum diameter of the headsail luff groove device that was up to now measured as FSP but entered as double the measured value. By making this change the measurement is taken as recorded and all former FSP measurements are automatically converted to FSD by halving FSP.
Definition of Headsail in Rule G4.1 is modified to avoid possible mis-interpretation of the half width measurement for a Headsail and for a Spinnaker.
Definition of the use of a Headsail set Flying is updated in Rule G4.1 by allowing 3 possible options: (1) tacked in front of the forestay, (2) tacked between the forestay and the mast, or (3) set on the forestay.
ORC Rating Systems
Dynamic Allowance for Performance boats is modifed in Rule 103.2 to be applied only for boats with a Series Date older than 30 years.
Wording of new Rules 108.7 and 108.8 are moved from Rules 113.2 and 114.3 as related to the rig measurements of SPL and TPS.
New minimum rated area of the Headsail set Flying is defined in Rule 111.3.
New treatment of Headsails set Flying is defined in Rule 111.4 by removing the definition of “tight luff.“ The new rule also adds an additional VPP run for asymmetric Spinnakers with SHW/SFL in the range 0.75 – 0.85, first as a Spinnaker and then as a Headsail set Flying, with the faster results used as the final result.
New Rule 115 is moved from 113.3 to be clear that it applies for a No Spinnaker configuration (meaning no symmetric nor asymmetric Spinnaker).
Number of Spinnakers aboard while racing for boats with CDL bellow 9.801 is increased from 3 to 4 in Rule 206.1.
Minor clarification is made to Rule 208.2(b)(ii), without changing the meaning of the rule.
Rule 208.3© is modified by removing reference to the BAL measurement since this has no effect on the VPP calculations.
Rule 208.4(d) is modified to clarify that a whisker pole may be used if it is attached to the mast and the Headsail clew, as defined in the ERS.
Rule 209.5 is modified by removing reference to the BAL measurement since this has no effect on the VPP calculations.
Rules 208.3, 208.4 and 208.6 from the 2019 rules are deleted. This removes the requirement of minimum length of the tack pennant for the Headsails set Flying and allows a multiple Headsails configuration regardless of position of their clews when two or more headsails are set at the same time.
New ORC Double Handed certificate is defined in the new Rule 301.3.
An addition to Rule 303.4 clarifies that all boats at the same event shall use certificates with the same VPP year version.
Modification of Rule 304.1©(ii) sets up a new requirement of having all Headsails set Flying and all asymmetric Spinnakers with SHW/SFL < 0.85 recorded on the certificate.
Wording of Rule 304.1©(iii) is corrected without change in the meaning of the rule.
Two additional simple scoring options on the new ORC Double Handed certificate are defined in addition to Rules 403.2 and 403.3.
Green Book
Format of Continental championships is changed to include 5 racing days with 2 days for offshore races and 3 days for 6 inshore races.
Standard Notice of Race is amended by allowing the number of sails aboard to vary from day to day, keeping the same number only for individual race days including days with multiple races.
New CDL limits for Class definition in ORC Championships based on the 2019 VPP are as follows: Class A: 16.400 >= CDL > 11.590 Class B: 11.590 >= CDL > 9.770 Class C: 9.770 >= CDL > 8.560
Standard Notice of Race and Standard Sailing Instructions are updated as part of regular housekeeping based on experience from events held in 2019.
ORC International and ORC Club Certificates
FSP measurement is removed and replaced with new FSD. The following measurements are removed from the certificate as obsolete: SPS, BAL, BWT, CPW, Forward Accommodation, Jumper Stays, No Backstay.
Total weight of internal ballast, if any, is added to the measurement inventory.