Anche io ho staccato il giroscopio e l'autopilota è tornato a funzionare come prima ... anche se sembra un bradipo adesso.
Ho letto i commenti all'articolo del tale francese dal quale dovrebbe essere cominciato tutto ( e c'è un tale che lamenta un problema simile al nostro:
I have installed an ADXRS614 but have a problem. Whenever it is connected to the S1 computer the Raymarine Fluxgate Compass loses its heading and starts to go round in circles. It sometimes shows a heading about 30 degrees less, but most of the time it goes 360, 359, 358..... all the time. Has anyone experienced this problem?
==== Fulup ===>
That almost a classical problem. Before concluding that your component is not compatible, you should check:
1) gyro is powered up 30s before the pilot. Some people who took the power directly on pilot computer had trouble at start up. The best option is to power the gyro independently from the pilot to make sure the gyro is stable when the pilot boot.
2) analogue information and inverted and gyro send wrong information to the pilote, reverse the gyro. Most of them need to have their head down.
Quindi raccomanda di accendere il giroscopio 30s prima dell'autopilota. Che ne dite?