Certificati e lunghezza al galleggiamento
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albert Offline
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Messaggio: #3
Certificati e lunghezza al galleggiamento
La differenza sostanziale te l'ha spiegata tiger, di cui condivido in teoria la repulsione per i sistemi di compenso, che in pratica non posso però applicare WinkWink.

La differenza è infatti che la LWP Irc è la lunghezza dello scafo LOA, meno gli slanci BO ed SO, mentre la L Orc deriva da un calcolo, ovvero L = 0.3194× (LSM1+ LSM2 + LSM4), la cui spiegazione, rigorosamente in inglese, trovi nel regolamento:

100.6 The Sailing Length (IMS L) is an effective sailing length which takes into account the hull shape along its length and especially at the ends of the yacht, both above and below the plane of flotation in Sailing Trim. L is a weighted average of lengths for three conditions of flotation: two with the yacht upright and one with the yacht heeled. The lengths for the three conditions of flotation from which L is calculated are second moment lengths derived from immersed sectional areas attenuated for depth and adjusted for appendages. The second moment lengths are:
LSM0 is for the yacht in Measurement Trim floating upright.
LSM1 is for the yacht in Sailing Trim floating upright.
LSM2 is for the yacht in Sailing Trim floating with 2 degrees heel.
LSM3 is for the yacht in Sailing Trim floating with 25 degrees heel.
LSM4 is for the yacht in a sunk condition such that compared to Sailing Trim it is sunk 0.025*LSM1 forward and 0.0375*LSM1 aft, floating upright.
The LPP calculates LSM's taken from the canoe body without appendages and from the full hull with appendages. The final LSM's are the averages of full hull and canoe body LSM's. IMS L is a
fundamental parameter taken into account by the VPP in determining hull resistance and it is calculated as:
L = 0.3194× (LSM1+ LSM2 + LSM4)

D'altronde, non mi meraviglierei troppo delle differenze, dato che i due regolamenti, che si professano entrambi infallibili, danno alle stesse barche dei numeri diversi e gli armatori, anzichè sentirsi presi per i fondelli, li giocano contemporaneamente su entrambe le ruoteWink...che non si sa mai....

07-04-2010 23:42
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