Non serve sempre manovrare per le precedenze...
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palomba Offline
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Registrato: Oct 2009 Online
Messaggio: #21
Non serve sempre manovrare per le precedenze...
se fosse così, come descritto, forse si capisce meglio cos'è accaduto....

The location of this incident happened in the channel heading out of inner Hyannis harbor in Cape Cod Massachusetts. The boat#65279; crash happened right by buoy 13 off of Kalmus beach in Hyannis. Prior to these 17seconds of amature video, there had be a minute or so of radio calls between the sail boat (under power) and the ferry boat.

The ferry boat would not give the sail boat enough room for the skipper to safely maneuver through the channel because of a sandbar and jetty off to the left side of the camera. As a last ditch effort, the skipper of the sail boat did try to maneuver towards the other side of the channel but as you can see, the ferry did not slow down, due to the fact they wanted to stay on schedual he#65279; said over the radio and therefore this collision did happen.

This case was brought to court and both parties were found#65279; to be at fault. In the end it came down to the fact that neither the skipper of the sail boat nor the steam ship authority captain wanted to yield to the other party and this is how it ended. There was much more that went on before and after this 17 second video was shot so one cannot assume that they know everything from this video.

As for blowing of horns, this did happen before the amature camera person began to record, this is why you do not her it. As for the previous discussion on the use of slowing down and reverse to avoid this collision, I saw it happen this past summer (2007) with the same ferry company and the captain did slow down#65279; and go into reverse to avoid a collision with an oncoming sail boat

As for this discussion though, I am going#65279; to end it here because this incident happened in the 1980s and it is now done and over. The boat has been restored and is now once again in Hyannis Harbor in Hyannis, Massachusetts on Cape Cod. Also, to the person who posted this video, the skipper of the sail boat did sue and won the lawsuit many years ago that this video is not to be used in any sort of public media so please be respectful of the video. As of now, the discussion ends here.
10-03-2011 18:53
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