Ifabio scrive che le mie sono interpretazioni personali, ma può essere l’esatto contrario.
Prendiamo ad esempio la serie Yanmar 2YM15-3YM20-3YM30 e le relative raccomandazioni:
http://www.yanmaritalia.it/amministrazio...1JAN09.pdf .
A pag. 9 si legge:
It is recommended that new vessels be propped so the engines can operate at 100 to 200 rpm above the Maximum Rated Power Output rpm (3700 to 3800) to allow for some added weight and hull resistance.
The engine must be able to reach the Maximum Rated Power rpm (3600) under full load at all times.
Failure to do so can lead to reduced vessel performance, increased smoke levels and can cause permanent damage to your engine, which is not covered by warranty.
Ed ancora:
The YM series engines are designed to be operated at maximum throttle (3600 rpm) for less than 5% of total engine time (30 minutes out of every 10 hours) and cruising speed (3400 rpm or less) for less than 90% of total engine time (9 hours out of every 10 hours).
Poi ognuno è libero di pensare come crede e di pagare di tasca propria (fasce incollate, motore da cambiare a 5000 ore, ecc. ecc. )