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Messaggi: 2.076
Registrato: Feb 2007
RE: Alaggio dopo C.Coat: dubbi, commenti e consigli
Aggiorno con la lettera inviatami dalla casa produttrice
I have looked at the pictures on the forum, and am pleased to see that the majority of the boat looks clean. There was just a little slime on the hull and keel, and this would have been washed away by a pressure-wash very quickly and easily. So this is good news. But, there is a line of weed where the keel joins the hull. It is likely that there is a silicone join here, and the Coppercoat will not have stuck to the silicone. There is also some weed at the front edge of the keel, and around the bulb of the keel. It seems likely that these areas were not treated as well as the rest of the boat. You may want to explore the possibility of having some new Coppercoat applied to these areas. In this case, sand these small areas with 120 grade paper and apply 4 more coats of fresh Coppercoat. For the remainder of the hull, you could do nothing. It appears to be working well, so you could leave it alone. However, if you want to, you could go over the surface lightly with a fine grade of wet-and-dry paper. Use only a fine grade (600 grit or finer), as this will help to polish and smooth the surface. Do not use a coarse grade, as this will roughen the surface and give a key for marine life to stick to.
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24-02-2015 00:23 |