primer gp120 per coppercoat, chi sa tradurre la sua scheda?
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gommo Offline
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Messaggio: #89
RE: primer gp120 per coppercoat, chi sa tradurre la sua scheda?
(15-06-2015 12:28)utente non attivo Ha scritto:  Ma coppercoat consiglia addirittura di usare 8bar di pressione

Hai ragione. Non ci avrei mai creduto. Riporto sotto per riferimento. Consigliano 8+ bar e diluizione al 20%

Il problema e' che a 8 bar le pistole non lavorano bene. Di solito l'omogeneita' si ha ad una pressione predefinita dal costruttore (circa 2.5-3.5 bar al calce).

C'e' da dire che al 15% non hai ecceduto con il diluente rispetto a quanto consigliato, quindi non dovresti rischiare bolle Smile

Citazione:It is worthwhile having your spray man practice with half a litre against an old board or wall and getting the technique correct, before then starting on the boat.
You will need to use a pressure pot system, with a three horsepower compressor (minimum), 15 cubic feet per minute and 120psi.
For the gun we recommend a 705 aircap, FF needle and 1.6 to 1.8 fluid tip.
Have as short a lines as possible (with few joins), so as not to lose pressure between the compressor and the gun tip.
You will need to thin the product by 20% using Iso-Propanol alcohol. You will also need this thinner to clean the lines afterwards.
Coppercoat is only spray applied by people who are used to spraying and have spray equipment, so by definition they are experienced.
Consequently they normally only need the most basic of additional info, as they set up all the equipment correctly during the practice trial. But by giving them at least the above info, they can turn up with the correct gear.
15-06-2015 12:37
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RE: primer gp120 per coppercoat, chi sa tradurre la sua scheda? - gommo - 15-06-2015 12:37

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