Spulciavo qua e là e leggo queste note nel sito della Rocna, e visto che lo trovo interessante ve lo copio:
Recommended swivel types
If you do use a swivel, use one of a reputable brand. This mostly precludes generic brands and anything of questionable origin. Galvanized swivels are easily available, cheaper than stainless, but are more 'agricultural'. They tend to bind when new, then rust at the joint as the galvanizing wears. Stainless swivels are expensive, and you get what you pay for. The budget must be a lot higher than for shackles to obtain equivalent quality and security.
The failure mode of swivels is typically when they are subjected to lateral forces. This means it is ideal to install the swivel in such a way that lateral forces cannot be applied across the joint. One way to do this is to use a reputable inline type with a few links of chain between the anchor and the swivel. Generally, installing the swivel directly on the anchor shank is not a great idea.
Ball-and-joint types go some way toward mitigating this issue, but an articulation of only the typical 30 degrees is barely adequate. The safe-working-loads on these swivels is normally not calculated with a force applied outside of this operating range, which is unrealistic.
Quindi confermano occhio agli sforzi laterali sui giunti, bene le soluzioni con teste che si muovono (Powerball) ma se volete fare bene e smart mettete un grillo su ancora e un giunto qualche maglia prima dell'ancora che garantische la non torsione della catena (anche se suona come mettere il grillo direttamente tra fuso e Kong, senza maglie in mezzo), così:
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Doveroso segnalare che all'inizio della pagine dedicata ai giunti dice anche:
The choice of connector (ovvero del giunto) depends on a number of things. Essentially, if you don't know you need a swivel, then you probably don't, so just use a shackle (ovvero un grillo).